
Health: This section is for things that are available but somehow the modern man has put aside because it was “old” and forgotten the value of why it was there in the first place. Copy of "AcrolisxVoices" in

Thursday, July 05, 2012

The actions

I read about the incident with the aid in the bus that was bullied in New York and saw how much love is there for her an her situation, I realize that people as individual are a different action than a group or society, case in point:

Final operation 1of 2 Sequence
My code name in the Web is Acrolisx I am a computer Tech, this is about Paula Seltzer a 59 years old shy, proud and remarkable women whom has gone through 12 years since the initial accident at work and a bad Doctor who misdiagnose an lead to her 6 operation in the last 4 year to her spinal column and knee replacement. Thanks to a good doctor, Doctor Salami at Norwich Ct, he was able to determine the real problem and now I feel she is starting heal, finally.

Her rent due the end of this month aside from medical bills with no help in site makes for a situation that most people will jump of building or fall to drugs or pressure to commit stupid action that they letter regret. I have see it with my eyes the struggle of the people, friends and neighbors whom trying to pay the rent and the evictions in the area which we leave. Paula will stay the curse and weather the situation, some say is just being stubborn, I can not help but feel the sense to help or at least care one that has gone through so much.   

If you can’t help directly at least pray for her or someone like her, I know the Creator listen to all and he is just very busy this days.

Your help will make a big difference in her life and my own to know there is still hope.
Final operation 2of 2 Sequence 3 weeks later
This is about the feeling of the community as a help to one an other or “ the strongest will survive” mentality, the decision is yours to make as an individual, but it does reflect as a society. 


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