Ice Green Tea

I came upon a mix for creating a great iced green tea that is as refreshing as the regular stuff and I like it better and cheaper. Like everything the the trade is work. But is not as bad if you do a little organization.
The secret to great tea is good fresh tea and technical know how, as obvious as this sounds the best place I found is a Chinese store were the section of tea is very large and every time you go there for just to check things out shelves are different with more products. If in dough or just do not have access to a real Chinese store, check my store or follow the links of the things you need to get an idea of the tea and you are looking for leaves not teabags because they use dust of leave compare to the real leave which not only last longer but yield a stronger flavor and give the control of flavor by the method of how long you leave the leave in the water which control the bitter taste that come from the stem or wax that is natural for all plants.
you add the hot water to the leaves no more than 3 minutes should past because the wax of the plant will start dissolving and it give the bitter taste to the tea. So you want to take the liquid out to another container were you can add the sugar or honey so to take advantage of the heat for proper mixture.
As you may guess by now it is a routine for me to get the details by experience for me there is no other way and I hope this help the people see the better things in life. So with that in mind here is the procedure.
You need:
1- Boil water- a boiler, clean pot, coffee maker, etc.
2- Tea or herbal of your choice in leaves not bags.
3- tea container- A French presser or Chinese tea server with a stainless steel holder for the leaves. I do not like the tea balls because the tea needs to move in the water for proper release of the ingredients.
4- container for mixing- pyrex measuring 1 quart are good for taking the heat
5- Spices- the sugar like Demerara or honey or cinnamon or fresh fruits to mix with the hot tea to help sweet or add a natural enhancer to the tea.
6- A serving or saving for cooling container- your choice I do recommend a glass or stainless pitcher. Please be careful with the heat it may crack the glass. I usually place the cool water in the pitcher and pour the hot solution in the center to mix more slowly.
Boiling water to the Tea container, wait 3 minutes. Remove tea leaves, add condiments (sugar, honey, cinnamon) to taste, wait to dissolve. Chill and serve in iced glass. Ahhh, refreshing and healthy.
As you can see it is not only fresh ingredients and tools but technical understanding of how to put things together similar to cooking and the result could be as different as your personality. A little love could go a long way too.
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Labels: cool drinks, Green tea, Health, Tea
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