This week I want to get my bases down. Were to find this things that we need for good health.
The Book
Prescription of Nutritional Healing:
If there is a book beside the Bible that every Family in this world should have is this book. In essence and more important a no nonsense way to describe the human body and what do we need to stay healthy. Herbs, minerals, vitamins and more in plane understandable language to what is it, when we need it and why we need it.
It is written by a doctor and a nutritionist, (Phyllis A. Balch CNC & James F. Balch MD), in a form that resemble a good house call Doctor with stuff love approach. You can read all about it at the publisher site www.penguinputnan.com. I have the first and third edition and hoping the writer of the book make a website with the same common sense, mostly because the book has become quite big and I am lazy. Please let me know once you do a search what you think.
Puritan Pride:
A good place to get the herbs and vitamins to help you find the way to better health. Just follow the instruction of the book from above
Health, as I find out, is not a pill or a excise that you take and is over with. Is a way to look at what you have and what you can do to get were you want to go.
An example, I became obsess ,as my wife will tell you, with oriental mud dishes such as the famous Japanese “sand pots” and the likes for cooking stews, stock, and rare food. I was fascinated to find that there are alternative to the metal to which I was accustom to cooking with. Not just to cook a steak of meat but to cook it slow as to became so tender that you only need a fork at the table to eat it with.
As to the taste, Imaging a grill steak 3 time as intense in flavor than that of conventional cooking and completely done from the skin to the center of the chuck with no blood. Fuse the essence of herbs and spice into the meat as the taste of pork done in the fashion of a Hawaii pit cookout.
To my amazement this style of cooking is not only healthier but easier ( depending of the freshness and the ingredients). Easier because once you put the ingredients on the pot it slowly cook itself. A modern version of this oriental dishes that you can buy on the store is the electric “slow pot”. Use one of this to fix a “over the day” cooking stew (set automatic to be finish cooking when you return form work) and serve the stew over fresh steamy rice, either home cook or a Chinese take-out on your way to the house from work, this my friend we call comfort food. The leftover from the stew I put in the appropriate containers in the fridge for a even more tasteful meal. Stew pick more flavor when left to rest.
Is you mouth watery enough? All of the information that I acquire about this style of cooking I found in the net. Try foodtv.com for starters and check Alton Brown at GoodEats.
We are what we eat.